Quotes – April 2020 . . .
It is immorality today that has decided and defined what is moral.– Michael Haigh – also quotes by Darby, Rolls, Spurgeon and others.
It is immorality today that has decided and defined what is moral.– Michael Haigh – also quotes by Darby, Rolls, Spurgeon and others.
When your will is God’s will, you will have your will. – C. H. Spurgeon – Also more quotes . . .
The religious cliché that ‘God hates sin, but loves the sinner,’ implies that there is only one kind of sinner; however, this is a false premise: there are two types of sinners: forgiven and unforgiven. Which one are you? – Also other quotes . . . read more . . .
How can man understand the end if he does not know the beginning? – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by others.
Christ, the prophet, in word and deed declared God’s purpose, displayed God’s power, disclosed God’s principle, and demonstrated God’s presence. – Charles J. Rolls (1887 – d?) Also more quotes by others . . .
The gospel is a revelation of divine grace, . . . . the gospel consists of supernatural truth and it can only be perceived in a supernatural light. – Arthur Pink – (1885 – 1952) Also quotes by many others.
God gave the law, not to make men righteous, but to prove that there were none righteous. The law condemns every one. – J. N. Darby – (1800 – 1882) Quotes by many others: Charles J. Rolls, Arthur Pink, J. B. Stoney, Sir Robert Anderson and more.
Adam was so unique that God gave Adam a different heart then all the other creatures, a different soul, and a different spirit. Adam’s heart, soul, and spirit were to reflect the mind, and thought of God within his inner being; therefore, the very image of Adam outwardly (the things that are seen) and inwardly (the things that are unseen) would reflect the image of God. – Michael Haigh
Also read quotes by Rolls, Saphir, Pink, Anderson . . .
No matter what . . . the haters say, no matter what the haters do, no matter what the haters feel, they will never be able to remove God from His throne . . . the darkness has begun to visibly settle over the minds of mankind and insanity has overcome reason . . . insanity and hatred can now be seen clearly . . . this is your moment to believe God, and His Word, and turn to Him in faith. believing that He IS.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)
The evil in Christendom is that men who do not believe in Christ profess to imitate Him, and men who do not imitate Christ profess to be believers. – Adolph Saphir (1831 – 1891) – Also more quotes by C. H. Macintosh, Sir Robert Anderson, and others
The manifestation of the Son of God was to show forth all the fullness of the goodness and love of God for Adam’s fallen race. – Michael Haigh – Also quotes by many others.