This article is from an article called The Vengeance and Wrath of God. CLICK HERE to read the complete article.
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God Has Bands and Cords
  From the days of Adam to the time of Samuel and beyond mankind has been casting off God. It is a long history of man departing from his Creator. We should remember that when Adam and Eve stood before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they had to make a choice to walk away or to partake. Although the temptation came from the tempter Lucifer/Satan, they had a choice to obey their Creator and walk away or to partake of the tree of death for God had declared that on that day, they would surely die. What was in man that he believed he could depart from the living God? Where did this rebellious spirit within these two creatures come from? How could they assume that their Creator was a liar and had no power to judicial act? Although Eve was bone of Adam’s bone and flesh of Adam’s flesh, they had both been given the spirit of life by God Himself, and yet, it was Eve who was in transgression; yet the responsibility of her trespass did not fall on her, but on the Federal Head over the earth. It was Adam who was charged with this great position of authority and dominion over a world, a paradise, prepared especially for them. Lucifer/Satan came as the serpent to deceive and yet, man believed the serpent (another creation) and not only turned from the word of God but turned from their Sovereign Creator. Adam was the first one to cast off the cords of God, as we read in Psalm 2. Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? (Psalm 2:1) The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, (Psalm 2:2) Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalm 2:3) From Adam onward, each time when God would draw man unto himself, man would turn from God and cast off His cords. Man considers faithfulness to God as bondage when faithfulness to God is a blessing.
  In the book of 1st Samuel, it was the nation of Israel who cast off the cords of God for the bands and cords of bondage that a king, a man, would surely place on them. The people, as a whole, refused to see the tyrants who ruled over other nations. Israel did not look any further into the price of tyranny: that the idolatry that was in those kingdoms would overflow into the nation of Israel as it had overflowed other nations. The nations around them were offering their children to the fire god Moloch through human sacrifice of innocents to a factitious god formed from their own vile imaginations.
  The descent of man from Adam is totally revealed in Romans Chapter 1. In this chapter we have the cause and the effect of rejecting God, and the outcome was that God cast them off. God loosened His cords and cast them off into a bottomless well of sin and iniquity. Man considers faithfulness to God as bondage when faithfulness to God is a blessing. Man will willingly put himself into the bondage of philosophy, under the bondage of religion, man’s doctrines, governmental economic enslavement, and mental dependency.
  Man will put himself in bondage to a religious system made up by man, but man will NOT submit to his own Creator, the Almighty God. As we travel through history, we condemn the former tyrants who ruled over nations and over large parts of the earth. And yet, the same wickedness that we condemn in them, are alive and well in our current age of sin and iniquity. As the nations were ruled by other gods of their creation, so Israel adopted those same gods. They desired to be like the nations. Well, God gave them up to the nations, so that they also would offer their own children to the fire god Moloch. In our present world, abortion is not the only means of child sacrifice, we offer our sons and daughters to war. We sacrifice them to our own political gods. There is NO remorse or even thought of life whether on the abortion table or on the field of blood in a foreign land.
  The hardness of the world’s heart is as a stone. We feed our children with drugs at an early age, which the government allows to flow into countries until the children become the walking dead. Oh, what a wonderful world indeed. The universal song that is attributed to the United Nations is that we love the little children. What a sham. The children of the world are deliberately used as tribal assassins sponsored by money launderers. Then the little children of the world are loved so much that the world makes them sex slaves for the rich and degenerates. Oh, how we love the little children of the world. They even use children as drug mules, even babies, it is frightening to think what God has in store for these people who abuse and use His little children. God is storing up His vengeance and His recompense because there is NO FEAR of God.
  Both the political world and the religious world have cast off the cords of God and they will be in bondage in everything and anything except God. The nations that allow these things are no better and deserve the same judgment that God showered upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. He consumed all five cities of the plains.
  The judgment to come over the cities of THIS world is sure. As swine feed on the sin of human flesh, the judgment and vengeance of a longsuffering God is a dark cloud hanging over your country at this very moment. He will recompense for all that is being done in opposition to Him and to His righteousness. Although God is longsuffering to usward not willing that any should perish, yet man instead of coming to God’s love, casts away God’s cords of love for sin and iniquity. Repentance toward God has become a nonfactor. Man has no thought of repentance. He is happy in his sin. He does not see the chains of death that his sin produces. He cries about FREEDOM and yet, he indulges himself in the most heinous sins that the world has ever known. Sin leads to death. This cannot be denied. Once death has taken the soul that soul will face judgement. When the fullness of the sin of the Gentile world comes in (as we look around, it seems that it is already here, it is NOT future, but worldwide NOW) it will bring the judgment, the wrath and the vengeance of God upon an unrepentant world. No nation will be left out, for ALL have dipped their hand in sin and iniquity. Soon the world will face the judgments of Revelation Chapter 6. As Genesis Chapter 6 took away the ungodly, so the end of Revelation Chapter 6, will face the wrath of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the earth.
  Those who control and rule over the world, have little thought of the sufferings of the people who they control and enslave. An example is the open border policy of many nations destroying their own people who they rule over. Most poverty and social programs do not stop poverty. They increase poverty by lowering more people INTO poverty. In Revelation Chapter 6, we see this in the four horses and horsemen of the Apocalypse. Which in many ways has been revealed to the current world. At the end of Revelation Chapter 6, as Genesis Chapter 6, God lists the men who are against Him. Notice in this judgment of Genesis Chapter 6 upon those who dwell upon the earth there is NO mention of angels.
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; (Revelation 6:12)
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (Revelation 6:13)
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (Revelation 6:14)
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; (Revelation 6:15)
And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: (Revelation 6:16)
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Revelation 6:17)
  In verse 15, we have kings or leaders, the powers of dominions and principalities, the great men of commerce, industry, politics and communication. The Spirit of God presents the rich or men of renown buying and selling political favors and working in the unseen world of global leadership. We have the chief captains, and the mighty men of the world’s military and intelligence complex where they rule unto themselves, turning nations upside down through stealth and war. The Spirit of God does not forget every bondman. Think you are not in bondage, count the measure of your life given to government control and the satanic workings of government OVER YOUR life and your family’s life. Taking away the labors of your hands and giving the benefits of your labor to others who refuse to labor. Count the cost of being in bondage not only to your own government but to the world.
  When Christ came to set Israel free as their Savior and King, He was rejected of Israel when they told Pilate that they had NO king but Caesar. Again, we see mankind attempting to cast off the cords of God. Man has been reduced to a number with no physical emotion or kindness involved. As a prelude of the number of The Beast at birth man is assigned a number. Years ago, when I grew up through the ranks of slavery, you had to be sixteen to get your number, you couldn’t vote, and you couldn’t drink, but you could be controlled by a number, and die in worthless wars created by political policies and if you refused to be inducted into a political war you were incarcerated. I would say that this qualifies as slavery.
  Now the last category in Revelation 6 of mankind, it is free man. Notice it is not free men, but free man. This is a social category, not men of freedom. For instance, we look at a prisoner or someone who has been incarcerated as not being free. Yet, when they are released, they become socially FREE. Being socially free does not equate with the word FREEDOM. So, let’s remind ourselves that man, in Adam, is NOT FREE, he is a slave to sin and cannot break the shackles of sin except through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and what Christ has done to remove the shackles of sin with a new life, a heavenly life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
CLICK HERE to read the complete article.