Tag: Israel
Hebrews 6:7-8 – O earth, earth
Chapter 7 – The Lampstand – Part II
Chapter VII The Lampstand, continued The lampstand consisted of one main stem or shaft, and six branches. These seven lights formed one lampstand, and gave forth one light; therefore, we have unity in these seven lights. This unity clearly speaks to us of the unity of Jesus Christ with His…
Introduction of Numbers in Scripture
Introduction of Numbers in Scripture All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16) When the Holy Spirit of God breathed these words through Paul, He revealed to us that “all” meant every word which…
Chapter 6 – The Lampstand, Part I
Reflections of Christ in the Tabernacle Chapter VI The Lampstand, Part I In this study we will be examining the candlestick, also known as the lampstand, and called the menorah by the Jewish people. You will find the candlestick mentioned in the following passages in the book of Exodus…
A Nest Among Thorns
Hebrews 6:7-8 – O earth, earth
Chapter 7 – The Lampstand – Part II
Chapter VII The Lampstand, continued The lampstand consisted of one main stem or shaft, and six branches. These seven lights formed one lampstand, and gave forth one light; therefore, we have unity in these seven lights. This unity clearly speaks to us of the unity of Jesus Christ with His…
Introduction of Numbers in Scripture

Introduction of Numbers in Scripture All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: (2 Timothy 3:16) When the Holy Spirit of God breathed these words through Paul, He revealed to us that “all” meant every word which…
Chapter 6 – The Lampstand, Part I
Reflections of Christ in the Tabernacle Chapter VI The Lampstand, Part I In this study we will be examining the candlestick, also known as the lampstand, and called the menorah by the Jewish people. You will find the candlestick mentioned in the following passages in the book of Exodus…