Author: Mary Haigh
The Patterns of Perfection – Part 1 –
There are NO errors in the Bible.
Since the Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect Living Word, He is revealed in His perfect written word. There are patterns of numerical and word structures linking God’s supernatural numbering system as a whole in His written word.
There are NO errors in the Bible.
The Rainbow and The Purple Have Been Stolen –
Nicolaitanism and its SPARKLE CREED is religion falsely promoting itself as Christianity while worshiping itself covered in ROBES of authority with a STOLEN PRIESTHOOD.
and THE PURPLE and
The Study Tool that the Spirit of God GAVE is IN the Bible itself –
I challenge you to test your level of spiritual tolerance in the word of God!
Are you a curiosity reader only?
Are you only a ‘milk’ reader?
or are you a ‘meat-chewing-to-the-bone’ reader?
The Battle for Our Land and for Our Inheritance –
How did the battle for our land and for our inheritance begin and why? This is both a spiritual issue and a tangible event.
What is Blasphemy? –
The WAR against Maleness and Femaleness –
The goal of Satan is to CHANGE what God has created.
Satan’s Battle Plan –
Satan’s frenzied fury against manhood is the result of his insane hatred against God’s order, meaning that God’s governmental order, God’s laws, and God’s creation of male and female is the battle ground.
The Great Pretenders –
What happens when pretending stops being a game and becomes a way of life?
The Vial versus the Horn –
The Vial and the Horn are both important in the Bible. Why are they used, and when they are used is important.
Our Age of Transition – Who is the new god on the block? –
The little gods are positioning themselves to see which one of them will become the ‘BIG god’ on the block.
The First Tanner –
Why were Adam and Eve naked?