Free Will and Choice . . .
What is the difference between free will and choice?
What is the difference between free will and choice?
How would creation react if the nations and all the people praised the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ?
Christ gave Himself to take the burden of the law away, yet leave a record of it for man’s moral control. Christians, therefore, are free from the burden of the law, but we are not free from the moral standards of the law.
The past, the present, and the future all laid out by God for us in perfect order. In Psalm 22 we have history and time woven together. In Psalm 23 we have the blessings of our present age. In Psalm 24 we have the future to come. If you want to know what is waiting for humanity in the future, read Psalm 24.
The whole wheel speaks of the body of Christ. All are inseparable, the hub, the spokes, and the rim. Remove the hub, and you have no wheel. Take away the spokes, and there can be no unity with the hub and the rim. Take away the rim and there is no reason for the hub or the spokes. The unity of the rim is the faith from the hub flowing through the spokes to make one whole.