God Gave Them Up

Man didn’t originate ‘the law.’ Do you possible believe that it was man who could think on such a high moral plane as ‘the law’ or what we refer to as the 10 commandments? Man always seeks the lowest form of morality and the lowest ideals that they call morality.…

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Quotes – July 2015

Where there is much light, the shadows are deepest. –Goethe Christ is not valued at all unless he be valued above all. –St. Augustine You may juggle human laws, you may fool with human courts, but there is a judgment to come, and from it there is no appeal. –Gifford…

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Be Still

Be Still, Oh, My Soul . . . and upholding all things by the word of his power . . . (Hebrews 1:3) In thy presence, oh God, I have found my joy; to quiet my soul, and to rest upon thee, O King of glory. And to find in…

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Hebrews 1:14 – Heirs of Salvation

We have been blessed, as the sons of God, with the ministry of the Spirit of God to guide us into all truth. This is not approximate truth, or part truth, but all truth. He, the Spirit of God, has set man apart, we are not interested in man’s truth for man has shown himself not capable of ministering truth except it be given by the Holy Spirit of God.

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The Christ of Humanism

Editorial-Christ of Humanism There is no greater darkness than in the heart of the liberal masses today. They have imagined a god that will not judge, and a god that will not even require repentance. He is a god of their mythical love, and liberal theology; where anyone can be…

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