The Fullness of Time

. . . in the fullness of time, in a space marked in man’s history, and in a rip within the fabric of eternity, God has put forth His whole plan of redemption. God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law, that he might reconcile the world unto himself.

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Psalm 22, Part V- Who is This King?

We are a chosen generation, before the foundation of the earth we were known in Christ. We are a royal priesthood that we may offer up to God praise and glory which is the fruit of our lips.  We are a nation that is unseen by man, and yet surrounded and unified by the Holy Spirit of God. We answer to the righteousness and the Holiness of God Almighty; yet, to the world we are truly a peculiar people. 

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Genesis 1:1 – Part I

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The numbers in this seemingly simplistic sentence are planted beneath the surface as hidden jewels – read further to find these jewels within the very first sentence in the Bible in Genesis Chapter 1, verse 1.

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Quotes – April 2015

The Constitution of the United States has become as a tree without leaves. It is preserved on paper only, and not in the hearts and minds of men. Michael Haigh It is impossible for God to love or to make His presence known to empty ritualism, and the traditions of…

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