Quotes – September 2024 –

September 2024

The Church is not here to replace Christ but to proclaim Christ. – Michael Haigh

Faith is a miracle; it is the ability God gives to trust His Son, and anything that does not result in action in accord with the will of God is not faith, but something else short of it. – A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

It’s not what you make but what you save that gets you out of debt. – Amish proverb

Christ has stood the severest tests of scrutiny and challenge through all the centuries and stands today as calm and composed as ever, undaunted, undismayed, and unafraid. As a mighty Deliverer He cannot be displaced, as a majestic Defender He cannot be dislodged, and as the Dispenser of divine bounty He cannot be disposed. – Charles J. Rolls (1856 – unknown)

The Church cannot forgive sin. It is here to reveal sin. – Michael Haigh

To be much alone with God is the sovereign remedy for pride and self=complacency. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

To grow old gracefully you must start when you are young. – Amish proverb

Those who have valued freedom less are the same who have enjoyed it more. – Michael Haigh

The trial of your faith is sent to prove its sincerity. If it will not stand trial, what is the good of it? – C. H. Spurgeon (1834 – 1892)

The history of man and the history of Satan follow along the same lines. First there is the spirit of envy, then anger, then rebellion, then delusion, then hatred and finally madness. – Mary Haigh 

He who has no money is poor; he who has nothing but money is even poorer. – Amish proverb

The world would tell you that spiritual authority and the power comes from the collective meeting to the individual when God has told us that spiritual power comes from the individual to the collective meeting. – Michael Haigh

Scripture does not depend for its truth upon man’s belief. It is true whether he believes it or not. – C. H. Macintosh (1820 – 1896)

Man looks for God in all the wrong places: in buildings, in religions, in accomplishments, in other men, but until man can finally cry out in total emptiness of spirit and in complete sorrowful repentance of soul, “Lord save me” . . . then will he find God. – Mary Haigh

He who wronged you will hate you. – Proverb source unknown

It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply. – A. W. Tozer – (1897 – 1963)

Out of all the sufferings of Christ at the hands of man, the worse suffering that He bore was being SINLESS in every way and then being MADE SIN for us. – Michael Haigh

Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will. – A. W. Tozer – (1897 – 1963)

Sin is NOT something that you do. Sin is something YOU ARE. – Michael Haigh

Besides lying, fickleness is an unstated job requirement necessary for politicians and news propagandists. – Mary Haigh

A closed mouth gathers no foot. – Proverb source unknown

To receive your position in heaven, first one must kneel on earth. – Michael Haigh

The man who would truly know God must give time to Him. – A. W. Tozer – (1897 – 1963)

Man lives by his own definitions of goodness because he is not capable of understanding the goodness of God until he is born again. – Michael Haigh

Goodness neither comes from evil, nor is it a result of evil. However, our amazing and wondrous God can TURN what is intended for evil into a victory for goodness. – Mary Haigh

In the sacrificial death of Christ perfection was sealed by God’s perfect Lamb, by God’s perfect Son, by God’s perfect Savior, and by God’s perfect Priest made higher than the heavens. – Michael Haigh

Being made in the likeness of God did not make Adam God, so too Christ being in the likeness of sinful flesh did not make Christ a sinful Adam. – Mary Haigh


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