Quotes – April 2024 –

April 2024

The astronomer can only see the stars, but the children of God can see beyond the stars. – Michael Haigh

He who has the Word ruling in his heart is influenced by it in all his actions. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

As the Son of man, Christ brought God to man, and as the Son of God, Christ brought man to God, and between them both, as the Lamb of God, He opened the door of heaven IN Himself through the veil of His flesh so that WE, the redeemed, may be called the sons of God. – Michael Haigh

If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority. – Proverb from Yugoslavia

The widest thing in the universe is not space, it is the potential capacity of the human heart. Being made in the image of God, it is capable of almost unlimited extension in all directions. – A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963)

Never before in ages past have we witnessed how far women have gone to DEMAND what they insist are their RIGHTS. They claim to be victims of social injustices as they impose on others their narcissistic self-absorption of the love for their own bodies. These women are NOT victims of sexual aggressiveness, but they are on the edge of being combative in their need to achieve a superior place in their world of fantasy. There is nothing that these emotionally disturbed women will not do to achieve their imaginative fantasy of beauty, fame or wealth. They weep because their great loves are not honored. They weep when they are prevented from killing the evidence of their many great loves. – Mary Haigh

The roaring lion kills no game. – Proverb from Tanzania

Everything in the purpose of God springs from the fullness of time when Christ, our beloved Savior, gave Himself as a sacrifice for sin. – Michael Haigh

Let no man pretend to fear sin that does not fear temptation also! These two are too closely united to be separated. He does not truly hate the fruit who delights in the root. – John Owen (1616 – 1683)

The history of Adam gives us no assurance of tomorrow, but the history and promises of God gives us the assurance of all the tomorrows to come and through the eternity of God. – Michael Haigh

The Law was as a shadow, it hung over the nation of Israel as a dark cloud for they could not reach the heights of the Law and the fulness of its demands. We, as Christians, do not stand in the shadow of the Law for we stand in the shadow of the cross. – Michael Haigh

As we get closer to our change, the bands of earth grow weaker, and the cords of heaven grow stronger. – Michael Haigh

If the Word does not dwell with power in us, it will not pass with power from us. – John Owen (1616 – 1683)

The lessons that we learn obeying God’s Word are not as painful as the lessons we learn through disobeying the Word of God. – Michael Haigh

The more completely we surrender to God, the more the principles of His Word regulate our conduct, the swifter will be our growth in spiritual wisdom. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

This generation, our generation, as no other generation has ever experienced EXCEPT for the generation of the antediluvians, have willingly allowed themselves to become slaves to political tyrants, slaves to the credit card/banking/financial/merchandising syndicate, slaves to visual mind control of social media, and slaves to all forms of merchandising through which the souls of men have become subdued and defeated. – Mary Haigh

As one generation of depraved beings follow another, their instinct has become more and more weakened, until now we see many conducting themselves with far less intelligence than the beasts of the field. – A. W. Pink (1886 – 1952)

An intelligent enemy is worth more than a stupid friend. – Proverb from Senegal

Religion is politics, economics, and mind control united together to draw men and women AWAY from the knowledge of the Holy. – Mary Haigh

We must not be concerned only with that which troubles us, but with all that troubles God. – John Owen (1616 – 1683)

The false Church cannot progress from faith to faith because it is not of faith, it can only move from abomination to abomination. As the world Church moves from abomination to greater abominations, their priests become more depraved, and their congregants become more vacuous of ANY knowledge of the holy and of the word of God. Having a ‘better, newer, easier to understand Bible version,’ has made it neither easier, nor better to understand the Bible for those who are ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2nd Timothy 3:7) – Mary Haigh

When a mouse makes fun of a cat, there is a hole. – Proverb from Senegal


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