Picking Bones in the Valley of Dry Bones – Part i –


in the Valley of Dry Bones

Part i


Whatever a preacher has to say he can say it in fifteen minutes, or at the most thirty minutes.

   Let’s place this same thought into the area of general education. Whatever a teacher or a professor has to say can be said in fifteen minutes or at the most in thirty minutes. For those who advocate sermonettes, why don’t you insist that your children should only hear fifteen minutes of a math class, or a calculus class, or fifteen minutes of language study, or fifteen minutes on a Tik-Tok video, surely all they really require is fifteen minutes to receive ALL that they need to understand.

   Whatever symphony Beethoven wrote, surely, he could have accomplished everything he wanted us to hear in fifteen or thirty minutes. Whatever novel an author writes, surely, he can say everything that he wants to write in fifteen or thirty minutes. Common sense tells us that everything that is important can be heard, or seen, or read no longer than in a fifteen-minute period and certainly it should never be extended to thirty minutes. The best novel, and the best music should never be any longer to read or to hear beyond fifteen or thirty minutes. And consider that all music concerts (no matter what genre) listeners should not be required to listen more than fifteen or thirty minutes. (For those who do not understand . . . . that was sarcasm.)

  Whatever a preacher has to say he can say it in fifteen minutes, or at the most thirty minutes. For those who espouse this type of thinking have a problem. It’s not how long a teacher teaches, or a preacher preaches that is the problem, the problem lies solely on the listener. To those who cannot stand long sermons, or long articles, I say . . . . . the problem lies solely on the listener or the reader. You think you are listening, but you hear nothing.

   A good point about the internet is that you can either click off, or print the information, or save the information; therefore, many of our articles are long. Do you know why they are long? Because we have much to write about!

    Whatever a preacher has to say he can say it in fifteen minutes, or at the most thirty minutes. Why attend a church if you don’t want to hear the words of God? Why attend a Bible study if you don’t want to know about the words of God? THE WORD OF GOD IS MORE THAN IMPORTANT . . . IT IS ESSENTIAL TO LIFE NOW AND FOR ETERNAL LIFE EVERMORE! There is no end to the word of God, and those who love God, love His Word, and understand that we are sustained by the breath of God, and by the bread of God, and by the word of God.

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (Luke 4:4)

But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)

   Whatever a preacher has to say he can say it in fifteen minutes, or at the most thirty minutes. I will concede one point, maybe your preacher or Bible teacher can’t teach or preach more than fifteen or thirty minutes on the word of God because they do not have the Spirit of God within leading them. I personally do not want to listen to anyone who has nothing to say. If I had to listen to someone for fifteen minutes who had nothing to say, fifteen minutes would be an eternity. Therefore, in the case of your preacher having nothing to say, THEN I SAY,  Whatever a preacher has to say he can say it in fifteen minutes, or at the most thirty minutes.

And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight. (Acts 20:7)

© Copyright 2022, Mary Haigh

This article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.

All Scripture references are from the King James Bible. (KJB)


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