in the Valley of Dry BonesÂ
Part iv
  If you haven’t guessed yet, Picking Bones in the Valley of Dry Bones are articles based on annoying and bothersome dry bones stuck to the bottom of my shoes. I rarely get a chance to challenge things that are annoying. Therefore, allow me to pick away.Â
  Sorry if I am about to prick your happy feelings balloon . . . . BUT, we are NOT all God’s children. This is not opinion. I know that it feels good to say that ‘we are all God’s children,’ but error is still error. WE ARE ALL CREATED BY GOD, and there is a big difference between being His creation and being His children. The Holy Spirit is adamant about whom God considers His children. If ALL are children of God, then why did Christ die? If ALL are children of God, THEN WHEN and HOW did ALL become children of God? To erroneously state that ‘we are all God’s children’ is to go against God’s word because the Holy Spirit of God repeatedly states the principle of two seeds; good and evil; two children: children of God, and children of the devil; tares and wheat; and sheep and goats. You may need to buy more balloons . . . just saying.Â
© Copyright 2022, Mary Haigh
This article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.
All Scripture references are from the King James Bible. (KJB)