Satan’s Battle Plan
Here is the sum of Satan’s battle plan: remove Fatherhood, remove Sonship, remove the active force of the Holy Spirit . . . destroy the Godhead bodily.
    Hopefully you may see the importance of how this rage of Satan against the Godhead bodily threatens the stability of mankind on earth today. For Satan’s frenzied fury against manhood is the result of his insane hatred against God’s order meaning that God’s governmental order, God’s laws, and God’s creation of male and female is the battle ground. The attack to confuse the differences between male and female is not a current assault but is a planned aggressive maneuver against God’s natural order. Do you think that the attack today against MAN as male is merely a political fluke? To remove maleness from the earth is a strategic act of war against man and God. Man is NOT a victim caught between two forces, but man is a combatant in the WAR waged by Lucifer/Satan as an ally of Satan. Remember the principle: all things are first revealed spiritually then it is manifested in the tangible realm. Satan’s three-part attempted overthrow of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit not only began in the spiritual realm, but it has flowed down into the tangible world, our world, and even into God’s creation of the species of man. But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. (Mark 10:6) This is the reason for the insanity of the war against man and against female today. Everyone who embraces the lie of misplaced sexual identity, or that any human being can become something other than what he was born, has slipped into the ‘shape-shifters’ world of imagination and fantasy. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5)
This small post was taken from an article posted in Men of Renown – Part xxxi – Mystery Babylon the Great – The Woman from The Genesis Epic. CLICK HERE to read the complete article.Â