The Constitution

The Constitution, at first glance, appears to be a document of just cause, but when men of reprobate minds interpret it – it is changed from a document of liberty to a document of bondage. Whether it is freedom of speech, religious freedom, the right to bear arms, the rights and desires of every individual to enjoy liberty and to pursue happiness, or to have a government that holds all men created equal in the eyes of God; these are just a few of the freedoms that have been removed from our daily lives.

If men use a document (The Constitution) for justice and liberty that document is only as good as the men of that present age. Along with the document, one must institute a brand of patriotism and an institution of loyalty whether good or bad. The defining factor of constitutional liberty is the amount of sin and evil in our nation or any nation. All nations that fill up the measure of sin before the Almighty God fall from within and are conquered from without. We have both fallen and have been conquered. We are no longer a free people but a people of blinded eyes, deaf ears, and sinful hearts. We want our religions to reflect us and not One Divine Being who has created all things.

Let’s now consider 2015 — how does the Constitution stand in our current window of time. It is denied by the head of our country, by the legislative branch, and by the judicial branch. They have all been responsible for denying and impeding the fundamental truths that are held within this document. All three branches of government have used their powers to change, manipulate and corrupt these truths found in the Constitution. I want to make myself perfectly clear, these corruptions have been coming at us almost from the very beginning of this document; therefore, we have today a constitution as a tree without leaves. We have a document preserved on paper but not in the hearts and minds of men.

This is Belshazzar’s seeing the finger of God writing on the wall. And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN. This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it. TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting. UPHARSIN; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians. Daniel 5:25-28. Thus, Belshazzar’s kingdom fell in one night and in one hour. First, it was destroyed from within by Belshazzar and the leaders of that age. Lastly, it was destroyed from without by Darius the Mede, whom God has raised up to destroy Babylon.

Today, we are a nation without borders, we are a people who have been conquered from within by a corrupt and illegal political system – a Uniparty. We have been conquered from without by many opposing forces, from the United Nations, monetary, and religious forces. We have been affected by the opinions and judgments of the world that any semblance of privacy has been ripped from us. We cater to foreign thought and governments rather than to the thoughts and desires of the citizens of the United States,

Is there recovery — NO! When the cup of the Amorites was full, God didn’t empty it. He judged them for what was in the cup, their inequities. So too, we will fall into history as just another nation. The history books will record our beginning, our infancy, our grandeur, and our fall and demise —whether it be by our own political power or by the power of another nation. Once again, I say, we are weighed in the balance and have been found wanting. Amen.

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