The Great Pretenders –

   You want to know what’s going to happen at The End of the Kingdom of Man? Well, here it is . . . . men pretend to be leaders legally appointed; and voters pretend that the Pretender is not a pretender, and news readers pretend that they are reading news not propaganda, and religionists pretend that they are serving God and not money, and the centers for disease prevention pretend that they did not pay for nor helped create a virus, and the pharmaceutical companies pretend that they have created a vaccine that is safe and effective, and environmentalists pretend that they can control things that by their very nature constantly change, and conservationists pretend that birds can safely fly through wind farms, and philosophers pretend that their thoughts are golden French horns, and women pretend that although they can lay they cannot lie, and men pretend that they can have babies, and children pretend that they are more intelligent and smarter than adults, and scientists pretend that money does not affect their research, and politicians pretend that they are not traitors to their nation, and celebrities pretend that they are important, and the trinity of evil: the false prophet, the beast and Satan pretend that they are the envy of the Godhead.

   Satan’s best work was accomplished in the evil imaginations of men: to pretend that they are more than they are. The antediluvian world was destroyed because of the evil imaginations of mankind. Remember that this verse is the basis for all the articles in the series of Men of Renown. And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5) Satan is an expert counterfeiter, impersonator, imitator, forger, and pretender because he is not capable of creating. So, therefore, Satan’s man of sin, the 6 – 6- 6, the Antichrist, the beast will also become The Great Pretender. 

   This post was taken from an article called The Rage of Satan. To read the full article CLICK HERE.

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