We (the citizens of the United States) are the targets of the most organized political crime syndicate ever to appear on this planet. History has no greater record of a universal attempt to destroy not only one nation, but many nations at the exact same time. The destruction of Constantinople and Rome are nothing compared to what is occurring in the United States at this date November 6, 2020. All the financial and global giants and their slaves (Marxists-Democrat-Republican-Uniparty/Tech giants/pseudo news giants/gman-spook giants) are furiously working to undermine one of the greatest nation that has ever emerged from the fields of freedom stained with the blood of patriots. It is so deep that the word ‘deep’ cannot describe the depth of this evil that is being perpetrated on the citizens of this nation, where even ‘citizens’ have turned against their own nation and their fellow citizens to follow the insanity of a political Marxist-Democrat cult gone mad in their uncontrollable need to rule using all forms of aggression. (Trying to disannul a voting block of 73,000,000 + is not an easy task.) Goliath may be dead, but his infectious evil seed still resides in the veins of haters of God.Â
  Here is the good part . . . finally they have stepped out of the shadows . . . and have revealed themselves to be what we have always known them to be. Political leaders of both parties have declared themselves to be enemies of this Republic through their silence and with their words of sweetness and nothingness. Technical controllers of words and thoughts are openly strangling the free expression of all who are capable of thought and action. They are not students of history for if they were they would be surprised to find that freedom of expression, freedom of the pursuit of liberty and happiness have become ingrained into the very beings of the citizens of this nation. (I have not forgotten that within our system we have those who cannot write, read, think, nor reason because they are empty pots of clay.)
  Here is another good part — God is still on His throne. Hatred and the insanity in mankind can overturn all that sustains these individuals, yet, they cannot overturn or remove God from His throne. The insanity of these coup plotters cannot see nor understand that they are destroying themselves. Nations rise, and nations fall, but God is still on His throne. Men rise, and men fall, but God is still on His throne. Political systems rise, and they fall, but God is still on His throne. Fight, cry, scream, plot, but God is still on His throne.
  It is God’s will and His purposes that all should fall on their knees and proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord and King. All of mankind (outside of God’s Christ) must be brought to their knees, and they will be brought to their knees. In one day, in one hour, in one minute the entire world will be faced with a greater destruction than what we are enveloped with at this moment in time in the United States. We are all but dust, and from dust, and dust cannot climb high enough to become more than mere dust. No . . . I am not a defeatist, I am not one who easily surrenders freedom nor free thought, but I also am very aware that my God has purposes beyond our own. It is His will that is important, and it is His Christ that should be the Center of all, and for this purpose God will allow men and nations to come to the end of themselves in a moment in time. (President Trump became the 45th President of the United States because God placed him on that seat of power, and because of the last four years of planned and organized turmoil of sedition and treason, a vast number of citizens have been driven to their knees in prayer. Is not this God’s will? Does not God want us to search Him out? More and more people have been on their knees, and are NOW on their knees in prayer asking God to save our nation and our President). This is where God wants us to be. This is a good thing.Â
  What God has in store for this nation, I do not know. But I do know that because this nation has slaughter millions of babies to allow women and men to continue on in their mindless sins of sexually depraved and irresponsible acts without any consideration of the cost . . . this nation must face a reckoning. Will our Just God demand this reckoning now . . . or tomorrow . . . or next year . . . or even in the next decade? I do not know, but I am very confident that this nation (as all nations) will one day face, and not be able to endure, God’s judgment that is sure to come. Yes, God’s foundation stands sure, and He is still on His throne. Could this be our nation’s final call? Could this be your final call?
© Copyright 2020, Mary Haigh
Article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.
All Scripture references are from the King James Bible. (KJB)