The following post was a Side Note taken from an article called The Robbers of Purple. To read the entire article CLICK HERE.Â
Side Note: Putting on the Purple. If you remember the first article dealing with purple in xxxv. Purple is the color that represents the Godhead in His all His majesticness, His royalty, His preeminence in all things, and His Sovereignty. Now, let us consider Satan’s coup against God, and how he has (from the very beginning of his rebellion) attempted to rob God. Satan’s rage against his Creator knows no boundaries; therefore, he has brought his rage into the physical realm of man in stealing the purple. Connect the unseen rage with the seen rage. Connect the unseen robbery with the seen robbery. Why has the color PURPLE been accepted as the color that represents sexual perversion? It is much more than two colors mixing to create a third color, or that blue (which indicates a male) and red (pink) indicates a female, and when mixed together becomes purple (supposedly another sex). The stealing of the purple and the rainbow as symbolic of sexual perversion is not accidental, nor is it based on reality. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING that challenges the word of God and attempts to replace truth is ALWAYSÂ initiated by Satan. Man is so stupid that he believes that there is no spiritual connection behind the stealing of the purple, and the stealing of the rainbow.
  The rainbow BELONGS to God. The rainbow in heaven is part of the glory of God for it surrounds His throne, and by the rainbow He connected His throne with the earth as Sovereign over His creation. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper and a sardine stone: and [there was] a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald. (Revelation 4:3) The word rainbow is only mentioned twice in the Bible and both times it is documented in the last book of the Bible, the book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, however, when it is mentioned in the Old Testament, it is referred to as the ‘bow‘ because it is not yet complete symbolically.
 The rainbow followed JUDGMENT and a sign that the Old World had been washed clean from the debasement of its inhabitants that their filth and perversion had even corrupted the ground that they stood on. Because everything that sin touches it destroys; consequently, the rainbow marks JUDGMENT FIRST then mercy. Also note that the first three times that the rainbow (‘bow‘) is documented in scripture it is in the 9th Chapter of Genesis, (Genesis 9:13, 14, 16) The number nine (9) is the number of judgment.
  The color PURPLE represents God’s SOVEREIGNTY and MAJESTY and DIVINE ROYALTY over His creation. That is exactly why the world of demonic sexual perversion has attempted to steal the PURPLE and make it their own because they cannot abide with the truth that God is sovereign over them. Do not acquiesce or surrender to the stealing of the purple. CLAIM PURPLE, MAKE IT YOUR STATEMENT THAT GOD IS SOVEREIGN. REFUSE to allow reprobate individuals to STEAL FROM GOD. ♦ End of Side Note – Putting on the Purple.
© Copyright 2023, Mary Haigh
This article may be used, but not for gain. Freely ye have received, freely give.
All Scripture references are from the King James Bible. (KJV)