This post is only a part of an article taken from Men of Renown, Part xxxiii, A Woman Upon a Scarlet Colored Beast – Part 2 – Mystery Babylon the Great – The Woman. CLICK HERE and you will be safely redirected to the article.Â
Scarlet Sin is Full of Names of Blasphemy
  What is blasphemy? Blasphemy is everything and anything that shows disrespect and contempt for God: His creation, His people, His teachings, His words, and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. When everything that is of God is ridiculed . . . that is blasphemy. When God’s truth is mocked . . . that is blasphemy. When God’s Living and written word are viciously attacked . . . that is blasphemy.
  Blasphemy has many names. Blasphemy is visibly evident in the manner in which many conduct themselves in dress, in rebellion, in anger, and in hatred. Every time you tune into a television broadcast you are inundated with blasphemy. Blasphemy cannot be avoided: it is in your homes, your workplaces, and your ‘safe’ places. Yes, blasphemy is FULL of names. The mutilation agenda of our frail young men and women is blasphemy. The ‘trans‘ anything is blasphemy. The works of Satan to remove MALENESS and FEMALENESS is blasphemy, so is the current fad of training the young and weak-minded adults to add ‘pronouns’ to describe themselves is blasphemy. Behind this use of pronouns to add to one’s description of self is blasphemy because it shows disrespect and contempt for the individual because the manner in which God created MALE and FEMALE is not good enough. Everything that God created is under ATTACK because sinful man believes that he can do better than God. Blasphemous man desires to destroy MALE and FEMALE and what a better way then to form within the young Gender Dysphoria.
Side Note: Gender versus sex. Again, let me restate a FACT: the word ‘gender’ was NEVER a word applied to human beings. ‘Gender’ is a grammatical word referring to noun and adjective declension in foreign languages (such as French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) that assigns gender to its words. Therefore, the medical term for ‘Gender Dysphoria’ should be ‘Sexual Dysphoria.’ It is almost comical that the word ‘gender’ is substituted for the word ‘sex’ when it is applied to mental illness in its perversions. Yet, the masses have no problem speaking about sex. The deliberate substitution of the word ‘gender’ for the word ‘sex’ is one of my many annoyances. To say that ‘You cannot change your gender‘ is incorrect, it should be ‘You cannot change your sex.’ There I fixed it! ♦ End of Side Note: Gender versus sex.